VLF-Series VLF Hipot Test System
The VLF Hipot Test System are truly compact and portable VLF test sets that determine the insulation condition of medlum voltage cables. Both test sets perform VLF and Dc testing, as well as sheath testing with sheath fault location possibilities.Its design complies with the international standard IEEE 400.2-2013.The VLF Hipot Test system combine a small and light weight VLF test set with integrated Tan Delta and Partial Discharge diagnostic modules to expand into a complete cable diagnostic system.
GDYD-63A AC/DC Hipot Test Set
GDYD-63A AC/DC Hipot Test Set is composed of automatic control unit and AC oil testing transformer (HV unit) which output AC voltage smoothly. Meanwhile, it has many monitoring and protection functions. When the short circuit rod of testing transformer is taken out, the output is DC voltage.
GDVLF-80S VLF AC Hipot Test Set
Withstand voltage test is an essential preventive test for electrical equipment. It is divided into two parts: AC and DC withstand voltage test. AC test can be further divided into power frequency, variable frequency and 0.1Hz very low frequency test, among which the last one is highly recommended by IEC, due to its remarkable advantages.
GDYD-55D AC/DC Hipot Test Set
GDYD series AC/DC Hipot Test Set is composed of manual control unit and dry testing transformer (HV unit) which output AC voltage smoothly. When adding a HV diode, it can output DC voltage. Meanwhile, it has many monitoring and protection functions.
GDYD-1210D AC Hipot Test Set
GDYD series AC/DC Hipot Test Set is composed of manual control unit and dry testing transformer (HV unit) which output AC voltage smoothly. When adding a HV diode, it can output DC voltage. Meanwhile, it has many monitoring and protection functions.
GDTF-2700kVA/900kV AC Resonant Test System
GDTF-2700kVA/900kV is specially designed for AC withstand voltage test for 500kV or below switch, GIS, instrument transformers and neutral point of main transformers.The system includes Variable frequency power supply, exciting transformer, reactor, and capacitive voltage divider.
GDYD-53A Automatic AC/DC Hipot Test Set
AC/DC Hipot testing is the effective and direct way to test insulation strength for electrical equipments,apparatus or machines. It checks dangerous flaws which assure electrical equipment continuous working.
GDYD-A AC Hipot Test Set With Automatic Control Unit
AC hi-pot testing is the effective and direct way to test insulation strength for electrical equipment, apparatus or machines. It checks dangerous flaws which assure electrical equipment continuous working.
Typical applications include testing of transformers, switchgear, cables, capacitors, aerial motors platforms, hot sticks bucket bricks, vacuum bottles and other related equipment like vacuum interrupters, blankets, ropes, gloves, hydraulics hose, instruments transformers generators.
GDZJ-10S Turn-to-turn Surge Tester
GDZJ-10S is used to test turn-to-turn insulation strength of single phase motor, 3-phase motor, Micro motor, Special motor, electrical motor, transformer (including switching mode power supply transformer), relay and winding electrical equipment.
GDYD-2030A 30kVA.200kV Automatic AC/DC Hipot Test Set
GDYD-2030A Automatic AC/DC Hipot Test Set is composed of automatic control unit and gas testing transformer (HV unit) which output AC or DC voltage smoothly. Meanwhile, it has many monitoring and protection functions.
GDYD-53D 50kV AC DC Dielectric Test Equipment
AC hi-pot testing is the effective and direct way to test insulation strength for electrical equipment, apparatus, or machines. It checks dangerous flaws which assure electrical equipment continuous working.
GDZG-300 DC High Voltage Generator
GDZG-300 series of DC high voltage tester is testing DC high voltage for zinc oxide lighting arrester, magnetic blowing arrester, power cables, generators, transformers, switches, and other equipment, which is suitable for electric power branch, power department of factories, scientific research units, railway, chemical industry, power plants.